JayAllDay Tue 7/26/11 9:05 PM


JohnUtech Fri 3/4/16 11:11 AM

I will never be able to convince my league to migrate over to Fleaflicker without an Android app. You are losing out, I guarantee it.

cjmiller85 Mon 8/17/15 1:45 PM


FLPatsFan Fri 8/21/15 10:18 AM

agreed . this is ridiculous already .. get with the times!!!!

zach_stoner7 Sat 2/28/15 1:06 PM

It's not that I dot like the site, but when I go online to access fantasy football the internet is much slower than any app I've ever had. I understand that nobody is planning an app, but not only will it make everything more convenient but will bring in many new people to use this fantasy server. The app DOES NOT need to be something that you do a lot on. Just something to check transactions, manage your team, and check up on your score. I feel it would be very smart for fleaflicker to rethink the idea of not having an app

luke1982 Tue 11/11/14 2:38 AM

It's been a while since I've been here and this was requested years ago! it would be nice to be able to access the site from my phone....

IvoBraz Thu 10/30/14 2:29 PM

The question is not if i need a app for android or not (i do actually, all the other leagues i play in other providers i use the apps much more than the sites) but how much more people would be playing at fleaflicker if there was an app (i play in a 12 men league here and 8 are inactive, i wonder if that would happen with an app). Ofc i can open it at the browser, but people with ipads and iphones can use the browser too and nevertheless Fleaflicker made an app for it.

CoinReturn Sun 10/19/14 1:48 PM

I would love to have an app just to get notifications for my games. I work most Sundays and have to steal glances at the site. I hate having to update a second app with my weekly roster changes just so I can get some inkling of how my game might be going.

PovertyBayOrca Tue 9/30/14 1:22 PM

It is not so much that I need a dedicated app for my tablet ... it is that the desktop site is not touch friendly.

- you cannot zoom in on areas to touch thus getting the intended result is mostly hit-or-miss

- the areas that are hover on the desktop do not work well on a touch tablet ... plus the information on the page when you touch click is not the same as the hover.

FleaMod Admin Sat 10/4/14 6:14 PM

Good point. These are all suggestions we'll take into account in future builds.

Smokey8 Thu 9/18/14 10:19 PM

Dude I agree!