runner15 Tue 4/5/16 8:49 PM

It would be great to get some sort of API. I read here: that you are working on XML/JSON exports, which would be great, but when would that be coming out, because you said you were working on them a year ago.

I would like to work with data with my leagues. Looking at stats and my players/roster in my own app, because your site does not have stats or anything like that. It would be great to have an easy way to get all the data in one place to be able to work with it.


Nabil Tue 6/14/16 3:15 PM

+1 For API

Would love to be able to pull league data into our league's Slack channel to augment the experience (chatbot that can read rosters, send notifications when players are injured, machine generated s*** talking etc...)

API would also allow external developers expose apps built on top of fleaflicker data like custom stats, summary generators, the sky is the limit.