H4mmer Mon 4/12/10 4:50 PM

Are there plans for a BlackBerry App? I have a Storm2 and would spend up to ten bucks on an App for the BlackBerry. It stinks that everyone comes out with apps for the iPhone and doesn't develop BlackBerry apps too. You're missing out on a HUGE market.

FFCSR_Doug Tue 4/13/10 6:49 PM

A blackberry app is unlikely. It is a difficult and disjointed platform to develop for.

scotto1959 Tue 4/13/10 11:24 PM

Sounds like a man who's had his joint developed.

Cha0sReigns Sun 4/18/10 10:44 AM

Having developed for said platform (not for FF, obviously), I can say that is not a true statement at all -- it actually sounds like a cop out answer to me. The only reason the iPhone app came first is because of their killer marketing -- if market share was the determining factor, BB would have been the hands down favorite.

It's just sad that those of us that use a smartphone instead of a shiny toy have to wait longer for most apps to get written for/ported to the BB platform...

FFCSR_Doug Fri 4/23/10 4:07 PM

We have talked to our developers and they expressed to us that while definitely do able, it is more difficult and time consuming then the Droid or iPhone. In addition, when we look at the percent of mobile users accessing Fleaflicker, BB only accounts for 5%. Droid is 15% and iPhone/iPod Touch is closer to 60%. The marketing of Apple, your right, was also an important factor as it helped the app reach a very significant number of new people.

RockinBeavers Mon 5/10/10 11:01 PM

While i can agree that it may be more difficult to develop an app for the BB since not everyone is great developing with java. I still think it should be a priority to get users the easiest way to access your site, and keep up with their fantasy teams.

If it doesn't happen that would be suck, since other sites offer an app for all major phones not just 1 type.

H4mmer Mon 5/24/10 4:39 PM

Using these statistics as a sole reason for developing order is bogus. You need to look at how many people have BBs and want to get into their fleaflicker account vs. other platforms. I dont EVER access fleaflicker from my phone because it sucks in the browser, those numbers would be far inflated in the blackberrys favor if this website wasn't garbage on our phones. I stick to a computer for browsing this webpage and thus browse it less often than I do my ESPN teams because I can access them from my web browser without a problem.

Stevens Wed 7/7/10 10:04 PM

So when will we see the droid app?

bigpeeler Thu 7/8/10 8:38 PM

Amen. Me and my new HTC Evo are doing for a dedicated Fleaflicker app.

WolfSpectre Fri 7/9/10 9:18 PM

I would love to see this app developed for my Droid Incredible.

tsduke Tue 7/20/10 2:28 PM

It doesn't need to be an app. I you just had a m.fleaflicker.com the stats for BB would fly up. As previously stated in sucks to view ff on BB now, so obviously the #'s are low.

jeremyhurst02 Mon 8/2/10 4:21 PM

If this site had a droid app, or even a mobile site, i would dub it the best site ever. Tell AOL to pony up some money for development since they bought you out 2 years ago.

Go_Marching_In Sat 11/8/14 2:39 AM

I have Blackberry and i can access Yahoo.com, ESPN.com, NFL.com fantasy sports from my phone and CBS sports actually has an app. I agree that it is a cop out. Maybe its not the BB market which is small, maybe its Fleaflicker which is small. This may be my last year on FF. Most of the other sites are more user-friendly.

FleaMod Admin Mon 11/10/14 10:41 AM

@Go_Marcihing_In -- We're definitely looking into alternatives for all devices to stay on the cutting edge of technology. We apologize it's not working out for you right now, but we're doing our best to get better there.

skydrome Sat 11/15/14 7:11 PM

bb bold 9700 cant post msgs on league boards :(

view and switching roster pos' works cause you can click buttons but no buttons are present on the board.

aka. the OK button bellow this white box

FleaMod Admin Sun 11/16/14 12:18 PM

Sorry about that limitation. Have you tried another browser on the phone?

Go_Marching_In Sun 11/16/14 10:08 PM

I've changed the settings in my browser to "desktop mode" in order to at least access the site. That works for now.