fleafounder Admin Mon 7/6/09 3:19 PM

Please help us test the new slow draft feature.

We now support "slow" or E-mail drafts where draft selections are made on the site with unlimited selection time. Owners are notified of selections via E-mail (make sure you have your preferences set to receive E-mails).

The commish can make selections for any team.

This can serve as an alternative of a few requested features for the live draft like pausing the draft.

There's also a feature to finish a slow draft in the live draft room. This is useful because you can take your time with the important early picks and still finish the draft quickly for the less important late-round picks.

There are likely some bugs so let us know if something isn't working properly.


fleafounder Admin Thu 7/9/09 6:05 PM

Just added a status message to leagues in a slow draft.

You can see this here (at least at the time of this post).

By the way, you don't have to create test leagues just to try out the slow draft.

You can test things out in your league and then clear the rosters or clear non-keepers to revert to the way things were.

DARKSEID Thu 7/9/09 7:05 PM

Very nice, that is a great addition.

PigskinPlague Thu 7/9/09 9:46 PM

Yes, good idea. Well done.