RoyPorras Fri 6/13/14 12:28 PM

After a few trades have gone through

it seems that the site generates

additional picks. How do we remove those? No one should have extra picks. I unselected the "enforce roster minimum" but no change.

rangerdave Fri 6/13/14 9:34 PM

No one is getting extra picks. Each team receives enough picks to field a maximum roster.

The Flea software cannot limit a draft to a set number of rounds. If, for example, your league wishes to only have a four round draft, the Commish needs to make sure that each team sets enough keepers so that the draft is limited to four rounds. That Commish then needs to police trades to make sure that the draft does not extend into a fifth round. Any trade that goes through must have an equal amount of current picks and players on each side of a trade to make it work within a confined draft system.

It is a clunky way to do things. Also, it is difficult to get everyone to understand. I am a co-Commish in two leagues that try to limit rounds. Every year we run into a problem with owners and trades. It seems that I am the only one who understands the draft limitations in those leagues. The Commish always pushes through trades without thinking through the consequences of the trade.

As your draft has started, I wouldn't change things. Let the draft play out. Hopefully, Flea will roll out new draft software soon that deals with the problem. If not, league Commissioners need to be better aware of potential problems.

If you need further advice on how to make things work, or if the Flea support staff cannot get to your problem right away, reach out to others here on Flea. Many of us have gone through similar problems, and can help you through things. I always try to read through the forums each day and help where I can. There is a strong community of good owners on Flea. We want to see Flea succeed, so we help out others as much as possible. Feel free to e-mail me regarding any football issues here on Flea. We are getting to that time of the year where it takes time for Hal and his staff to get to every issue. While I can't solve any technical issues, I can give you the advice only a fellow Commissioner can dispense.