TitanMike Tue 8/31/10 8:55 AM

I would love the old fleaflicker message board editor, but it doesn't seem like this is going to change anytime soon. At the very least, a true preview and delete option would go a long way in fixing this issue.

I think it would be helpful to post a HTML cheatsheet for this style of messageboard. I've tried to put straight code in and not all of it works. If there were just a list of the top 15 or 20 things (bold, color, image posting, paragraph breaks, etc) - it would be very, very helpful.

The e-mail copy of messages is really tough to read as it is all text crammed together with no breaks. Any help there would be great too.

If you agree or have thoughts on this, please post a reply here. Thank you!

Cory41 Tue 10/25/11 7:49 PM
