TitanMike Tue 8/31/10 8:55 AM

I would love the old fleaflicker message board editor, but it doesn't seem like this is going to change anytime soon. At the very least, a true preview and delete option would go a long way in fixing this issue.

I think it would be helpful to post a HTML cheatsheet for this style of messageboard. I've tried to put straight code in and not all of it works. If there were just a list of the top 15 or 20 things (bold, color, image posting, paragraph breaks, etc) - it would be very, very helpful.

The e-mail copy of messages is really tough to read as it is all text crammed together with no breaks. Any help there would be great too.

If you agree or have thoughts on this, please post a reply here. Thank you!

fleafounder Admin Tue 8/31/10 11:48 AM

I'll see what I can do. I took down the rich text editor for performance reasons.

Since then, there have been many advances in open sources rich text editors so I'll try to fine one that works well and doesn't compromise site security.

TitanMike Tue 8/31/10 2:21 PM

Thanks so much Ori. I think this would really be a big help and drive more people back to the board instead of relying on the e-mails to see what is posted.

Here is one option to check out:


ChuckandDuck Sun 12/12/10 7:51 PM

bump. What's the deal??

DaveH Mon 9/12/11 12:18 AM

I'm also interested in this

PaizanKnowsFtbl Tue 11/11/14 1:18 PM

It's been a while....???? luck figuring that out yet?

JohnDiaz Fri 11/14/14 4:54 PM

Good grief, this topic is FOUR YEARS OLD!? Why hasn't a rich text editor been put in place on the message board!? How is it so difficult to simply format bold, italic and underline and put pictures in messages? Come on Fleaflicker...you do so many things well!