SoxRox Tue 1/6/15 9:21 AM

I am just curious. Why, as a Commish, can you execute but not cancel a trade that the Commish's team is involved in?

By cancelling or executing a trade unilaterally that can cause problems. But if a Commish is trying to solve a problem by cancelling a trade shouldn't they have the power to do so?

Here is an example of a trade I am involved in and not involved in on the same page. . There is nothing wrong with either of these trades. I just want to know for any future problems.

I did want to in a previous case when an owner quit the league right after accepting a trade with me. I solved it by asking the league to veto the trade. I know after the trade went through I could adjust the rosters but draft picks are a pain by having to wait to change the draft order manually for up to the next 3 years.

Thanks, SoxRox

FleaMod Admin Tue 1/6/15 9:58 AM

It's a limitation of the current options we provide, but a good suggestion to possibly add in the future.

Right now the only way around it would be to go to Edit Rosters and transfer the players that way (though future picks can't be done past the current year manually editing).

SoxRox Tue 1/6/15 10:03 AM
