What is the Commissioner's Note and how does it work?

The Commissioner's Note is a special messaging area that the commish or co-commish can use to post a message on the Standings page. A message could be a draft reminder, league rule change, congratulatory post, etc. Only league members will see this section. Commissioners will find the "Add Commissioner's Note" button on the main league home page above the Standings table. Select the button to open up a text edit field to add text, links and/or images to share with the league. The note can be set to expire on a certain date (at which time it will just disappear), or you can keep the default of no expiration date to keep it up until you remove or change it.

To style your note or to embed links, you can use the strip of icons across the top. To add an image (including animated gifs) or a video, you simply need to copy in the URL of the image or video.