What are conditional waiver claims?

Conditional waiver claims allow you specify complex waiver preferences by submitting multiple claims involving the same players.

Note: Many sites do not support this feature, please read carefully.

Suppose you specify the following waiver claims on the claims page (Team » Waivers):

  • Claim #1—Drop Player A and claim Player Z.
  • Claim #2—Drop Player A and claim Player Y.
  • Claim #3—Drop Player B and claim Player Y.

Now consider the following outcomes:

  • Outcome #1—If Claim #1 is not processed because Player Z was claimed by another team (your first choice). The system still allows you to drop Player A and you will get Player Y from Claim #2.
  • Outcome #2—If Claim #1 is processed successfully, you drop Player A for Player Z. Claim #2 is no longer valid, but the system can still process Claim #3.

As this example illustrates, conditional waivers allow you to set very detailed preferences.