tlb2k4 Sat 7/30/22 7:35 PM

When the league settings change, it would be nice if we could get more information than "the commissioner has changed the league settings.". Something that would specifically indicate what was changed (i.e. roster requirements, scoring requirements, etc.). The generic notice we're getting now isn't cutting it.

I had a commissioner just randomly add a TE position requirement to a league without informing any of the people in the league. This of course happened AFTER the draft started and after a few TEs who would otherwise not be dropped were dropped. I would be pretty pissed if I cut a TE before the draft started only to see the position be required for the new season. And no, I'm not complaining because this screwed me (I roster Kelce and Hockenson, so my bases are covered).

I do realize that many commissioners are competent enough to have a discussion with their leagues before making these sorts of changes and that it's the responsibility of the owner to not join a league with clown commissioning. This is a league that switched hands after the original commish passed, so the buffoonery only recently commenced.

So in the example of adding a TE spot, I'd like to see something Iike:

"The commissioner has changed the roster requirements from QB,RB,RB,WR,WR,WR/TE to QB,RB,RB,WR,WR,WR/TE,TE"


brs26 Fri 8/12/22 12:08 AM

i thought this was already a feature within FF, but if it is not, i absolutely agree this should be implemented. and i'm the commish for my league.

noitankcapflow Fri 8/12/22 8:04 AM

bettter look under activity then!

tlb2k4 Fri 8/12/22 10:28 PM

That was my point oil. You can look under activity and all you get is a generic message


Commissioner name has made a change to the roster rules.

It doesn't tell you anything about what actually changed.

If you think I should "know my leagues" and "know what changed" just by interpreting the rules, then maybe with only 3 leagues I should be able to know this. But there are many owners with 10+ teams who aren't going to be able to dedicate the brain power to "knowing the rules" of all their leagues.

All this requests is more transparency on what exactly has changed.

noitankcapflow Sat 8/13/22 12:29 AM

you just wanna out commissiondr rigght

tlb2k4 Sat 8/13/22 6:47 PM

You're either a troll, lack reading comprehension or quite possibly both.

noitankcapflow Sat 8/13/22 10:29 PM

no you eem be the troll right to lay look at the activity to mad your in my league

tlb2k4 Sun 8/14/22 9:19 PM

I don't even know who you are keyboard warrior, but the only way we share a league is if you play under a different name.

noitankcapflow Mon 8/15/22 8:56 AM

but it ok wyou call yiourself keyboard warrior