TimeForBed Wed 3/9/22 12:59 AM

Why don't you let commissioners customize the consolation bracket more (or even take it away altogether)?

noitankcapflow Tue 10/11/22 1:07 PM

this is i .love cutthroat league no playoffs needed

MyFFBonly Wed 10/19/22 12:48 PM

gridgang, - You just cannot stop inserting yourself within threads.

noitankcapflow Wed 10/19/22 1:23 PM

TimeForBed on 9 Mar

Why don't you let commissioners customize the consolation bracket more (or even take it away altogether)?gridgang 8 days ago

this is i .love cutthroat league no playoffs needed

MyFFBonly 34 minutes ago

gridgang, - You just cannot stop inserting yourself within threads.

you bring nothi ng to table right

PeteLoStracco Tue 10/11/22 12:29 PM

Would be very interested in more customization of the consolation. Specifically, we have interest in letting the losers of the first round of playoffs re-feed into the consolation to also compete for the consolation winning prize (top pick next year).

Crom75 Wed 4/6/22 9:21 AM

I would LOVE to be able to take it away! Or in bigger leagues maybe have the option to set it so the winner gets a comp pick or something. That would have to be 14 or larger imo. Anything lower they could get a top 3 pick AND a chance at a bonus pick. That would encourage tanking rather than keep nonplayoff teams interest up.

MatthewChaves86 Fri 8/19/22 4:41 PM

I would agree that there should be an option to give the winner of the consolation bracket an additional draft pick (that does not alter the order of the rest of the draft for purposes of setting the order).