FFCSR_Doug Fri 3/12/10 12:39 PM

Exciting news. The revolutionary Fleaflicker iPhone app will be released Sunday, March 21st. We are looking for a group of people to help us get the word out. Individuals in this group will receive free t-shirts, iTunes gift cards and more.

dustrz Tue 9/28/10 12:53 PM

Iphone app yay! Now put down the champagne glass and work on something else we REALLY need!!

fsdfdsfsd Sun 9/26/10 6:31 PM


cmox Thu 9/23/10 9:39 PM

How about a message board? i just use safari on my ipod for fleaflicker because the app doesn't have a message board and i am in a league with my friends where trash talk is key

ukdolfan Thu 9/2/10 1:58 PM

Can you release the ipod app in the UK store please and thank you

TitanMike Tue 8/31/10 2:26 PM

Just a note here, I never saw any of this. I don't know if these were ever sent out or not. I'm happy to help spread the word but it would have been nice to deliver on this. Please let me know if these were distributed and if it was just an error. Thanks!

roedan41 Fri 8/27/10 11:05 AM

Are there any plans for an app for blackberry?

GibbPollard Thu 4/15/10 5:28 PM

Going to make one for Blackberrys?

KokoMoAZ Tue 6/8/10 2:17 PM

I really want the answer to this one, because I am currently looking for an upgraded phone and my major reason for wanting a smartphone is to get Fleaflicker on it. I have been with T-Mobile for 12 years, since my first cell phone, and I hate to change companies just because Flea does not yet have mobile capabilities on anything except the IPhone.

DARKSEID Sat 6/12/10 8:47 AM

You are the Fleaflicker admin, you tell us.

Lone_Star Tue 3/30/10 3:53 PM

Any plans to get something similar for the Android market?