josho923 Fri 3/8/24 7:32 PM

I've been playing for a couple of years in another FleaFlicker dynasty league. I created a new one as commish for this upcoming season and we finished the startup draft. The league is showing that things are open for business for waiver claims that get processed each week, but this league is intended to be frozen until after our rookie draft in May. I've looked everywhere and don't see a place when I can freeze things temporarily. We were in the middle of the startup draft when I think FleaFlicker moved from the 2023 season to the 2024 season, so I had to start the season, so-to-speak then, to allow for completion of the rest of the draft. So I'm wondering if maybe there is now no way to apply a roster freeze during our actual ongoing offseason? Thank you

FantasyPariah Sun 3/10/24 6:38 PM

You can toggle pre-season waivers on and off but presuming you want to prevent all adds, try going to your waivers settings and uncheck all the days for processing waivers on. Other option might be to go to transaction settings and setting the limit to zero. That also might be the only way to prevent drops. All guesses on my part, there are limited options once your draft is complete and you league moves into the "preseason".

My last thought is to configure a supplemental draft and see if that changes anything. This sounds like a first year only issue, my recommendation at the end of the day is honor system and use commish powers if someone forgets.

josho923 Mon 3/11/24 7:43 PM

Thanks a lot for all of these thoughts/options, makes a lot of sense. I'm going to play around with them in Fleaflicker and in the end, the honor system definitely works as well.